Monday, January 28, 2008


A big welcome goes out to Cozmo, aka THE STORYTELLER for joining our Pitiful Little Band of writers and artists!

Cozmo is the author of "EXILE (or How I Learned to Speak Beyond Death) which I posted a few days ago.

He has his own ongoing saga "Life During Wartime" which is a good read!

Since he's accepted my invitation to join, he'll be posting his own sequels... LOL



GoKnight said...

Welcome, Cozmo! I don't get to read as much stuff as I like, but I'll do my best! Glad you're here! I'll try and mozy down and read the story you posted the other day. . .!

The Storyteller said...

Thanks for the warm welcome! :) It's always nice to hang out with other writers.

Hansgirl3 said...

Welcome!! Hope you have fun with us! :)