Monday, January 21, 2008

A Still Moment in a Galaxy Far, Far Away by Shaggy-Fett

"I love you!"
"I know."

So begins a relationship that leads to a marriage and the grandchildren of Darth Vader (or Anakin Skywalker, however you'd like to look at it.)

We all know these iconic words. As Han is lowered into the carbon-freeze pit, Leia desperately shouts out her cry of love. Han responds as only he can with a cool, "I know." But before all this happened, something interesting happened slightly to the right of this image.

This image shows many of the major players of the saga. Han, Leia, Chewie, 3P0, and Lando are all featured here. This shows the our gang of heroes (minus one certain whiner and everyone's favorite barrel chested astromech) right before Han is frozen in carbonite and handed over to Boba Fett. This image should tear at my heart strings. Make me feel anguish the fact that not until the next movie will the gang be reunited! Instead, it makes me wonder just exactly what everyone is looking at.

What it really reminds me of is a certain family portrait of my very own family. I was about ten years old and my family went to take our annual photo at JC Penny's. In one of the shots that was taken, something happened next to the camera that everyone looked at but kept on smiling. It was like we all forgot where the camera was.

Something similar seems to have happened here. I imagine this Imperial photographer trying to get a nice shot for the Imperial Post of the traitorous rebel leaders and then Darth Vader had to go and do something fancy with the Force that made all of his subjects look away from the camera. And it is widely known that Imperial journalists are only allowed one photo per event or else their camera will blow up (for security purposes). So this unnamed journalist has to go to his boss with this photo, and probably got fired for wasting his one shot. One of the biggest moments in the history of the Empire, and this guy couldn't even get a shot of everyone looking at the camera. For shame.

I feel really bad for C-3P0 though. I mean, not only does he have to ride on Chewie's back throughout the entire event, he's forced to look in the opposite direction of whatever is going on. He didn't even get to see whatever Vader did that distracted our rebel heroes. And Lobot is just chillin' in the background like a good little cyborg. He looks like the kid who tries to make it into as many high school club photos as possible. He just sneaks in there at the last second and stands there like he belongs. You have the rebel heroes, stormtroopers and.......Lobot. He just doesn't belong there with the big dogs.

In conclusion, this still moment in a galaxy far, far away shows us not only the scene of a strong confession of love, but also the importance of making sure there are no distractions when trying to take a photo. Especially if the punishment is termination...literally.
Shaggy Fett


amidalooine said...

Kinda cool the way you tied in the ol' JCPenney portrait (we have a bunch of those) with that still from the saga, Shaggy! Well done!

YZF said...

He looks like the kid who tries to make it into as many high school club photos as possible.

Ha! Very funny take on the whole thing. I wonder if Han and Lando were frienemies.

jediprincess77 said...

Instead, it makes me wonder just exactly what everyone is looking at.

No kidding! That's hilarious how you tied it in to your family pic. (My family did those too...) Ah, the memories!

"Good little cyborg" Hahaha!

nob01 said...

And yes - I really feel that, as annoying as he is, one should spare at least a little bit of sympathy for poor ol' Threepio :-)

Anonymous said...

3po gets beaten up so bad....LOL. ;) Robot carnage.

LOL about Lobot. He's awesome, what with the computer strapped to his cranium. ;)

Lisa S. said...

He looks like the kid who tries to make it into as many high school club photos as possible.

heh heh... I may or may not have probably done that in what was or was not my senior year with someone who probably shouldn't have been doing that either. ;)

Robin Parker said...

In conclusion, this still moment in a galaxy far, far away shows us not only the scene of a strong confession of love, but also the importance of making sure there are no distractions when trying to take a photo. Especially if the punishment is termination...literally.

Well Shaggy, this just proves that George didn't pay attention while shooting this scene....LMAO.

jedilily said...

Instead, it makes me wonder just exactly what everyone is looking at.

And I thought they were all just looking at Han. LOL

JediMelindaWolf said...

Shaggy, couldn't they have been looking at the dark lord himself? That's what I always thought.

Interesting thoughts, though. I'm going to have to go rewatch that scene. It's been a while, so my memory might be a little fuzzy.

Then again, I've been called fuzzy for a while now. I wonder why that is.


GoKnight said...

Funny, Shaggy! It DOES look like they're all looking at sumthin'!

GalacticBabe said...

One of the biggest moments in the history of the Empire, and this guy couldn't even get a shot of everyone looking at the camera. For shame.

That's hilarious! Fun entry! :-D

shaggy fett said...

He's awesome, what with the computer strapped to his cranium.

a feat more easily accomplished in the gffa than in the early nineties. or eighties....and so on and so forth.

i have this mental image of lobot with a pc balanced on his head and printing out sheets of old nineties style stuff from the back of his head.

i wonder if lobot has bluetooth. can he give me ringtones?

Hansgirl3 said...

I never really thought of Imperial reporters... Hmmmm...

What a cool take on this shot, Shagmeister. Never woulda thought about it! LOL

Lisa Dullard said...

Well, you sure got Lobot's number! Nice job, Shaggy! :D

ewanandhaydenfan5 said...

Interesting and unique take on this still! Great job!

PadmeSkywalker said...

Very interesting take on this...I like it :) I do remember family photos from my younger years...and yes, everyone looks like they're looking at something else...HA!

And poor Lobot...he tries so hard to be liked ;)