Monday, January 21, 2008

A Still Moment in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

"This little one isn't worth the effort. Come let me buy you something…"

Old Ben was only trying to protect arguably the most important Jedi of all time – who wouldn’t resort to a little witty negotiating at a time like this? And this moment in time – this still moment from a galaxy far, far away – affected the whole Star Wars universe. In fact, I propose that it was the most important moment in the saga. No—really!

When Luke left the Lars’ homestead, he was ready to become a Jedi. "There’s nothing left for me here now," he told Ben. Once in Mos Eisley, however, his world began to change. "You’ve taken your first steps into a larger world. . ."

Bullied by Dr. Evazan at the Cantina bar, Luke immediately showed he was cool under pressure. He didn’t panic & he didn’t try to engage the situation. He just turned back to his drink. The Force, however, nudged old Ben to stay alert. Obedient as ever, Ben listened. He stood up for Luke. He treated him protectively – parentally. Luke’s reaction was both surprised and defensive – he was ready to fight his own battles! – he didn’t need old Ben!. . .but the situation quickly turned. Ben’s response was swift and precise. His skill with the lightsaber amazed Luke. It entranced him.

This was a turning point for Luke. Certainly losing his Aunt & Uncle was a critical moment. And Ben had introduced him to the lightsaber once before back at his dwelling in the deserts of Tatooine. But this moment was Luke’s first glimpse of what it meant to be a Jedi. Of what it meant to sense danger; to be provoked; to try "aggressive negotiations;" and to defend the innocent. It was the concrete embodiment of his new vocation.

Most persons who are gifted with a special talent remember their first association with that talent. Mary Lou Retton might remember her first summersault, Warren Buffet might remember his first sale and Peyton Manning might remember the first time he held a football. This was that moment for Luke. The "a-ha!" moment. If they had not walked into that bar and been provoked, if Ben had not drawn his saber and if Luke had not been entranced by the moment, then things might have gone differently in the GFFA.

What’s that? I can hear you! Go ahead. Admit it. Shout it out. "That’s crazy talk!" "I can name at least 100 other Star Wars moments that were more critical than this. . .!" "This is nothing, a passing moment, a fleeting scene."

Well – you’re right. And you’re wrong.

The point is – the point is – that EVERY moment is a turning point. Every moment is a moment we decide to move forward into the great adventure or go back to the burned-out homestead. At that moment on Mos Eisley, many decisions were made. Luke could’ve provoked the man. Ben could’ve ignored the will of the Force. The patrons could’ve joined the fray. Luke could’ve been appalled at Ben and walked out. Luke could’ve become afraid and run away. Ben could’ve felt too old. Solo & Chewbacca could’ve been watching from their table and decided to leave. Luke could’ve been killed. . .

Every moment, every decision has a cause and effect that we can’t even begin to imagine. To me, this is what the Star Wars saga is about – making decisions. The "how" and the "why" of the decision making process are left to us. Are we pawns in a game? Or do we control our own destinies? Do we live in the "here and now?" Or do we look to the future at the "expense of the moment?" Do we calm ourselves and wait patiently or do we embrace our passions?

*psst!* You! Yeah, you – the reader! Come here! I’ll let you in on a little secret – Lucas gave us the answer about choice. Anakin at one point bemoans his fate stating: "I have no choice." That statement was his downfall. He did have a choice – he just didn’t want to accept it. His redemption – and ours – can occur only when we embrace this realization. Every moment – every decision counts!

This message about choice is so important and so incredibly relevant to our times. We all need to consider the choices we make and how they reach out exponentially into the expanded universe. We need to see a drink at a bar as an opportunity. This does not mean we must stress over every single moment. It means we need to prepare ourselves; to learn to balance our intelligence and our passions; to learn to be mindful of the future, but live in the here and now. A difficult task, at best – but this is the challenge of our lives – isn’t it?

The moment in time embodied by Ben, Luke & a drunk at a bar could’ve been absolutely nothing at all. Or, it could’ve been everything. What can we learn from this? Hopefully, we can learn to prepare, to listen, to balance intellect with emotion, to be aware of future consequences, but to embrace the moment. Or, we could simply learn this: when a Jedi offers to buy you a drink – take him up on the offer – or it might be a moment you live to regret!


amidalooine said...

NICE thoughts on this moment...and choice. Powerful stuff, soph-ia!

Granny-Wan said...

Everything we do is a choice... do what is right or do what is easy comes all too often...and the ultimate choice is to be good or evil...

YZF said...

Wow -- a cool scene, but you elevated it to a whole 'nother level. It's now got themes, weight, and connections to the rest of the saga. Buh-rilliant.

And might I add, quite a joy to read! Rock on, Soph.

nob01 said...

Funny how it takes someone else's perspective to point out something I should have already picked up on.
"Ah! General Kenobi, the negotiator!"
Yep - Obi was still looking for the peaceful solution, even in this scene.
Man, I love Star Wars - so many more layers to peel off :-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome message, Sophia!! Def something to keep in mind. Also, has everyone seen the robot chicken that correspondes to this scene? Poor Ponda! :)

Great point nob! Obi sorta was taking no chances, huh?

Robin Parker said...

In fact, I propose that it was the most important moment in the saga. No—really!

Ooooooooh, how brave you are to go there!!


I thought that read as 'Butt-rilliant'...LMAO

Or, we could simply learn this: when a Jedi offers to buy you a drink – take him up on the offer – or it might be a moment you live to regret!

Simply well stated, my friend. ;)

GREAT blog!!

jedilily said...

Very nice!!! You got me thinking!!!

JediMelindaWolf said...

Every moment is a moment we decide to move forward into the great adventure or go back to the burned-out homestead.

how simple, yet so profound.

Excellent, senator s! :D


Granny-Wan said...

Or, we could simply learn this: when a Jedi offers to buy you a drink – take him up on the offer – or it might be a moment you live to regret!

Raise an arm or lose an arm?

shaggy fett said...

one could also make the argument that obi-wan doesn't like to be turned down (maybe he isn't used to it. i surely wouldn't ((hey, dont call me shirley!)))

just think about it. all those years alone in the desert. he had to make his way into mos eisley a few times, have some good ol natured fun. now that he didn't have the Jedi code he could frollick (sp) around with whomever.

and although i'm sure dr evazan wouldn't even be on his list of things "to do," no one refuses obi wan.

how can you?

GoKnight said...

Raise an arm or lose an arm?

LOL! Too funny, GW!

no one refuses obi wan.
how can you?

I sure know Granny and I can't! ;-)

GoKnight said...

Thank you all for your nice comments! Yes, I'm smiling one of those really big, meaningful smiles!

I guess we can win the blog challenge in lots of different ways, can't we?! I sure feel like I've won just by reading your comments! Good 'nough for me! :-D

jediprincess77 said...

I freakin' love the cantina scene (naturally! it has the Nodes!), but what you've done I feel inspired, Soph! The connection you made with Anakin's line is perfect...and literally sent a shiver down my spine. (I'm drinking coffee, too, so I know it's not the Chi-town temps!)

You did a fantastic job with this!!

Granny-Wan said...

I sure know Granny and I can't! ;-)

Never! "yes Master"

Anonymous said...

Nice work "slicing" this scene up.. you brought out the seemingly insignificant, has heafty reality attached.. thanks!.. keep up the good work..

GoKnight said...

Thanks, Bethany! You are too sweet! Yeah -- that Anakin line has always stood out for me! Everytime I hear him say it, I yell at the screen -- "that's not true!! You do have a choice!" (Yes, my kids think I'm nuts!)

Kind of like your blog with the scene about Ani & Palps -- "duh, Anakin! He's playin' you!" :-D

Anyway -- thanks for the nice words!

HEY!!! It's my brother-in-the-Force -- Joemobile02!! You made it over! Woo hoo! Good to see you!

Granny-Wan said...

Everytime I hear him say it, I yell at the screen -- "that's not true!! You do have a choice!" (Yes, my kids think I'm nuts!)

Like every time Old Ben closes his eyes and raises his lightsaber to let Vader cut him down, I say "Obi-wan, don't do it!"

Anonymous said...

which came first.. "the Force" or the will to use it? ;-)

Hansgirl3 said...

the point is – that EVERY moment is a turning point. Every moment is a moment we decide to move forward into the great adventure or go back to the burned-out homestead.

Good one, Soph!!!

You are so right about choices - love the reference to Anakin's stmt that he had no choice. ;) It's all about choices, especially in the GFFA. :)

GoKnight said...

which came first.. "the Force" or the will to use it? ;-)

Dunno - ask those pesky midichlorians! ;-)

Thanks, HG3! I guess "choice" stands out to me b/c I screw up so often with the choices I make! BUT. . .I CHOOSE to keep trying to be better! ;-)

ewanandhaydenfan5 said...

"Every moment, every decision has a cause and effect that we can’t even begin to imagine."
I agree. I've been so surprised at the way things have turned out based on certain decsions I've made.

"What can we learn from this?"
That even the Jedi need an AA program?
Hee hee, just kidding. Great job!

PadmeSkywalker said...

Wow Soph!! Brilliantly written, indeed :D

Every moment is a moment we decide to move forward into the great adventure or go back to the burned-out homestead

Nicely stated. It's so true in many ways...we can either choose to move forward with our lives, to go on that adventure we crave or we can choose to stay behind and live our lives as we know it.

This scene really was a major turning point...and, like you said, probably the most important moment in the saga. It paves the way for Luke to grow and to discover the truth to his past.

GoKnight said...

"What can we learn from this?"
That even the Jedi need an AA program?
Hee hee, just kidding. Great job!

Can't you just picture Ben drowning his sorrows out in that desert? (See Oboe Wan's piece for details! ;-) LOL!) I can see him stumbling around and mumbling. . .

". . .watch the baby. . .new way to 'commune with the Force' my ass (hic!). . .backwater hicks out here. . .boy will never learn anything (hic!). . .no twi'leks for miles (burp). . .!"


blessings said...

GramGram Shmi is very proud of the way Senator Soph-ia's mind works. Since she was born - the Force has been within her. She shares it well, doesn't she!

GoKnight said...

Wow Soph!! Brilliantly written, indeed :D

*blush* Thanks!!

It's amazing how we can look back on little decisions and see how the effect us. Of course, it can make us crazy, too, if we're not careful! ;-)

GoKnight said...

Hey! It's Gram Gram! So glad you posted!

You know, everyone, Gram Gram is a most EXCELLENT writer!! We should definitely have her post over here for the next blog challenge!
