Sunday, April 29, 2007

Can I have your attention, please?

It is an honour to present to you, dear readers, the winner of the Official Fan Fiction Challenge 2007!

And here comes the envelope. Thank you, dear assistent lady. May I say you look smashing in that dress? What? After the ceremony? I'd love to...

Ahem, sorry about that.

Now, on with the ceremony. Can I have a drumroll, please?

*drumroll starts*

Thank you.

The winner of the Fan Fiction Challenge 2007 is...

Wait, anyone's got a letter opener on them? Thank you.

The winner is... this is exciting... let me see...

What? That's impossible!

Is this correct?

Ladies and gentlemen, it appears we have not one, but two winners amongst us! Those winners are our beloved Senator Soph-ia and the lovely River!



Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm glad I happened back by here this morning! What an honor! I hope all this newfound glory doesn't distract me from finals...

Unknown said...

"Can I have your attention, please?"

No. :P

God Bless,

May the Schwartz be with you...