Monday, April 02, 2007

Apprentice No More

Obi-wan Kenobi stood in the council chambers of the Jedi Temple. He breathed deeply, letting the Force flow through him and guide his thoughts. As was usually the case, he found himself thinking about his apprentice.

Former apprentice, Obi-wan corrected himself. The boy was a Jedi Knight now, part of the grand tradition of protectors. He fondly remembered his first time meeting the boy, the tireless debates about whether he should be trained, and finally the designation of Obi-wan as Skywalker’s teacher. Train him in the ways of the Force, they had told him. Teach him to be wary of the dark side.

Obi-wan was often concerned about his pupil. Now that he was on his own, out fighting in the war, the Jedi Master could often sense the tendrils of the dark side grasping at the inexperienced Knight. Sometimes from outside himself, but all too often from within. War tends to bring out the worst in everyone, he thought. We should have been able to end it before it ever started.

A familiar presence entered the room, and Obi-wan turned to see Master Yoda shuffling in, with his ever-present walking stick in hand.

“Master Yoda! I didn’t realize you were here! I mean, I knew to expect you soon, but I thought – well, I suppose I thought you might never return. Silly, I know. Many of the Jedi would swear that you are incapable of dying.”

“Strong am I in the Force, but not that strong,” answered Yoda. “Interrupting your meditations, am I?”

“Not at all, Master,” came the reply. “I was just – thinking.”

“Thinking of Skywalker, are you?” the old Jedi asked.

Obi-wan chuckled. “Did the Force tell you that, or am I so transparent?”

Yoda sighed. “Concerned for your Padawan you are. Spoken to him recently, have you?”

“Actually I haven’t,” answered Obi-wan. “I thought it best that I remain aloof for a time, let him make his own mistakes now and rely only on the Force. If he is truly to be a Jedi Knight – “

“Correct you are, Obi-wan,” interrupted Yoda. “A Jedi trusts the Force and does not depend on his former teachers to rescue him. However --” Yoda paused. He looked at the floor and pondered a moment, then looked at Obi-wan again. “Uncertain, he is. Spoken with young Skywalker I have. He asked troubling questions. Fully trust us, he does not, and guidance he needs. Speak to him, you should.”

Obi-wan raised an eyebrow slightly, then mused, “I think I might know the nature of his questions. Did… she… come up?”

“Not by name, no,” the Master answered. “But heavy on his thoughts she was.”

“What did you tell him?”

“The truth! Told him the truth I did. As a Jedi always should.”

Obi-wan shuffled his feet slightly. “You think I should be more forthcoming with him. Tell him all that I know about his… situation.”

“Skywalker flounders, Master Kenobi. Your Padawan he is no longer, but his teacher you are still. Your guidance he needs. His trust, go earn once again.”

Obi-wan bent at the waist, then straightened up again. “As you wish, Master Yoda. For the Jedi Order.”

Yoda watched as Obi-wan left the room. “For the Galaxy, Master Kenobi,” he murmured softly.

╠☺╣ ╠☺╣ ╠☺╣

The war continued, building to a terrible climax. This time, Obi-wan found himself seeking Yoda’s guidance, rather than Yoda coming to him. He told the venerable Master how his pupil had made a choice that Obi-wan himself never could have made.

Master Yoda took the news calmly, as if he’d been expecting this from Skywalker. Obi-wan envied his serene faith in the will of the Force. “The dark side, he must face. If he is strong enough, he will prevail.”

“Master Yoda, listen. She found him, just before he—before he went. She asked him straight up to leave that place.” Obi-wan took a breath. “And he told her in no uncertain terms what his choice was.”

“Then she knows the truth now? What he is?” The Master had no problems saying what needed to be said.

Obi-wan nodded, struggling to retain his composure. “He told her himself far more effectively than I could have done. There were tears, but in the end – well, he went on to the destiny he chose for himself, and she… I hope she’s strong enough.”

Yoda looked up at him. “Strong enough! Royalty, she was! A Senator for her planet she was! A superior warrior, without the benefit of Jedi training! None stronger will you find, I think.”

“But when word gets out – and it will! – that Darth Vader is her – well, she won’t have it easy. You know what he did for the Emperor. If there was ever a reason to be ashamed of one’s family –“

“Shortsighted are you, Master Kenobi! More family she has now than Vader alone. Good reason to be proud of her family, I think!”

“I suppose it’s possible. If our little rebellion here survives the night, it might be possible. Tell me, Master Yoda, can you see the future any clearer now than before?” There was no insult or sarcasm in Obi-wan’s tone, only a pleading. A hope for the impossible to happen.

Yoda chuckled. “The future, I see very clearly! Turn around, Obi-wan!”

Obi-wan turned to see what Yoda was pointing at. There was a new presence joining them, strong in the Force. He stared deep into the boy’s eyes. Anakin’s eyes.


Yoda reached out with his senses. “Yes, she knows the future is safe in his hands. The future of the Jedi, young Luke is.”

Obi-wan was still staring into those blue eyes. Anakin’s eyes. “I’d forgotten how blue your eyes were, Anakin,” he murmured softly. Then he drew the boy into his arms and hugged him. “Welcome back.”

Then Obi-wan turned around and made himself visible to Luke Skywalker, and he could sense Yoda and Anakin shimmering in to opacity as well. The three of them smiled at the Jedi Knight, and then his sister drew him back among the living heroes of the Rebellion, where they would face a new and brighter future together.


Anonymous said...

I loved this, so rarely do you get to see Obi-wan and Yoda interact. Great fic!

Granny-Wan said...

Great story, I loved it! A very different view of a great scene.

leialookalike1 said...

It took me until the end to figure out where I was and what ws going on at the time. it was a nice surprise, but I would have liked it to be maybe slightly less vague.

GoKnight said...

I love the "suprise" ending! I think this was masterfuly written and the idea in-and-of-itself was a stroke of genius!

Paralleling Anakin & Luke this way was terrific!

The idea posed some writing challenges to make things work smoothly & correctly -- you did an admiral job with a difficult task.

I also felt that you "got" the characters personalities just right. Obi Wan "sounded" like Obi Wan when I read this -- and Yoda "sounded" like Yoda (although that's not quite as hard!).

Nicely done!

GoKnight said...

Oh -- I forgot to mention the nice parallels with Padme & Leia. . .

GoKnight said...

I cast my vote for GW - but if there is a "tie," this gets my next vote -- I just love the whole concept -- original, very "Star Wars-y" and executed flawlessly!


Diviner525 said...

C'mon luuke, you've got more creativity in you than this. How 'bout some unique characters or even a new setting?

I just can't see Obi-wan (as portrayed by Ewan MacGregor) saying "aloof" as any part of a sentence - but that could just be me on that one. But that's the drawback to using established characters from the movies, you have to fit in with an accepted standard set up by GL.

My real opinion is that this story is bland. It seems like a rehashed version of a couple of scenes from the movies - with some small details added for effect.

The only creative part was linking these two scenes together - from the movies.

How 'bout some unique thoughts? Characters maybe beyond Obi-wan and Yoda and Luke? I mean, the Star Wars universe is more than Luke, Leia, Anakin, Padme, Obi-wan, etc.

I generally dislike fanfic that attempts to recreate the characters (from the movies) that I already know and love.

That's weak to me.

Please, have some original thoughts and characters of your own.

This story gets a low rating from me.

DragonFang said...

Good. Readability is high. I love the Tie-fighter smileys! :) High points for language.

I like the way you only at the end reveal the scene your second part takes place in. Be careful with that, though - it can get confusing. Plot development was rather low - nothing really happened. Just pondering. Actually, the first part seems to be completely seperate from the last. Both could be rather interesting starting points for short stories, but now the first is abundant, in my opinion. The second part is better, but could be expanded. Believability is high, though. Originality not so much. Overall, medium points for plot. I've seen better of you, Luuke.

Both Obi-Wan and Yoda seem true to character. This gives them a depth you did not need to explore, which is a shame. If I give them other names but still have the same story, their personalities appear astonishingly shallow. Character development happens, but not greatly. What I did like was that both Obi and Yoda seem to be aware of Padmé in Anakin's life before Ani's fall. Interaction between characters was good, believable and familiar. Overall, medium points.

It was a fun read, which is more important to me than above objections. Therefore I conclude with the statement that stories need not be perfect to be enjoyed. Good job, but I've read better stories by you.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here - correct me if I'm wrong, Luuke. After rereading, I realized the first half could be just as easily applied to Luke instead of Anakin...

Just reread it yet again. Yep. It happens in ROTJ, right after Yoda dies. His ghost is talking to Obi-wan's ghost about Luke. Obi-wan talks about Yoda - "Silly, I know. Many of the Jedi would swear that you are incapable of dying." And later he says, “Did the Force tell you that, or am I so transparent?”

Pretty slick, if you ask me.

Robin Parker said...

C'mon luuke, you've got more creativity in you than this. How 'bout some unique characters or even a new setting?

Cap N Tightpants has entered the PLB fanfic blog...LOL

Easy Mr. Divine...I'm seeing a pattern here from you. ;)

I will say this...Yes, I agree with Mr. D that Luuke has more crativity in him. That being said, I enjoyed the story and dialogue.

Good. Readability is high. I love the Tie-fighter smileys! :) High points for language.

I liked the Tie-fighter smileys too. :)

Overall, medium points for plot. I've seen better of you, Luuke.

Agreed. So have I. But, I know for a fact that Luuke is VERY busy right now and time may have been a factor in cutting corners on the story and character building.

Just reread it yet again. Yep. It happens in ROTJ, right after Yoda dies. His ghost is talking to Obi-wan's ghost about Luke. Obi-wan talks about Yoda - "Silly, I know. Many of the Jedi would swear that you are incapable of dying." And later he says, “Did the Force tell you that, or am I so transparent?”

Pretty slick, if you ask me.

Very slick, indeed. Even thought it lacked originally which seems to be the case for most in here, I truly did enjoy it as a read.

Good job, dear friend. ;)