Monday, January 18, 2010

Helmet Head

Mina's giving me grief for not posting my offering on this site - but trust me, it looks better in black.
So go ahead - click and enjoy.


Qui-Gon Reborn said...

I hate to say it...I really do...But I love it!! Absolutely hilarious!! ROFL

Robin Parker said...

I hate to say it...I really do...But I love it!! Absolutely hilarious!! ROFL,

I second that one...ROFL

JediMelindaWolf said...

I left a much longer comment over at Oil Bubbles, so I'll try to be more succinct here (lol) . . .

Your 'tribute' to Boba Fett's gear was absolutely hilarious (what? that wasn't your intent?) and so creative! I absolutely loved it!!!

You'll just have to go on over to Oil Bubbles to read the more extended version. ;-)