Saturday, February 07, 2009

Distant Star

This is my little sister's first attempt at a fan fic!! I told her to start off with a short story about a character that she liked, and, no surprise to me, she picked Luke! (She considers herself a LILWL in training.) Anyway, I love the story, (and the photoshopped cover she made) and I'm sure you all will, too. She'd be extremely happy if you left a comment, so fire away! Here's to my little Padawan disciple and her first fan fic!!

“Luke!” called Beru.

“Luke, dinner’s ready!” yelled Beru again.

“Coming!” Luke yelled back.

Luke Skywalker was a boy who lived the small life of a farmboy but had dreams that could overpower any great wish.

“Uncle Owen, why can’t I submit my application to the academy this year?” asked Luke.

“I need you for the harvest,” Said Owen.

“Uhh,” said Luke as he stormed off.

Luke sat in his room thinking he would never get of the planet. Anyone could tell he was holding back tears.

The next day Luke got up early, (Owen and Beru were still asleep) ate breakfast, and decided to run away. Luke went to go tell Ben good bye. As Soon as Luke entered Ben’s small home Ben greeted Luke.

“What brings you to the Jundland wastes?”

“I decided to run away,” said Luke.

“Run away?” asked Ben.

“Yep,” said Luke.

“What was the life of a Jedi like?” asked Luke.

“Very hard; they were guardians of peace and justice of the galaxy. Anyway, why do you want to talk about Jedi?” asked Ben.

“I don’t know. I just felt an urge.”

“Are there any Jedi left?” asked Luke.

“Unfortunately not,” lied Ben.

He wanted Luke to find out for himself. Ben knew after going through a lot of pain and anger he would find out…but that would be a long time from now.


Robin Parker said...

heehee...cute for your first try, little one.

I think I would have expanded on the conversation between Luke and Obi-Wan...just to give it a little depth. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice Qui-gon's little sister. I like the title.

Qui-Gon Reborn said...

heehee...cute for your first try, little one.

She says thank you, your Highness. (I already explained who you are to her. ;) )

just to give it a little depth. ;)

I told her that, too, lol. She's having a little trouble with the concept that you should write as if your audience is stoopid. She writes "Luke ran away from Owen and Beru." But who's Luke? Who's Owen and Beru? Why did he run away? Where did he run to? She'll get it sometime, I'm sure.

Very nice Qui-gon's little sister. I like the title.

I don't know if she would allow me to tell you this, but it's a paint color. :P

amidalooine said...

You know what's really great about this story?? It highlights something that I know I often forget about. "Ben" is in Luke's life on Tatooine from the time he takes him to live with Owen and Beru as a baby. It's a time period we don't hear nearly enough about.

Nice job!

Qui-Gon Reborn said...

My sister's a particular fan of this period because she likes to read about how Luke became the hero that he is today.

And she says thank you!!

Granny-Wan said...

Very nice. I agree it needs to be fleshed out a little. For example, what was his room like? What did he see on the way to Ben's house?

Luke Skywalker was a boy who lived the small life of a farmboy but had dreams that could overpower any great wish.

Fantastic! And oh, so true! But I think his accomplishments far exceeded any dreams...

He wanted Luke to find out for himself

And as Yoda told him, "not ready for the burden" was he.

Qui-Gon Reborn said...
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Qui-Gon Reborn said...

Very nice.

Granny, my sister is thrilled that you liked it!! ;)

I agree it needs to be fleshed out a little.

Yes, I gave her a little exercise to do so she can work on that aspect of writing. Description is very important.

Fantastic! And oh, so true! But I think his accomplishments far exceeded any dreams...

And...if I may be so bold as to interject some of my little remarks...that's why I don't think he should have a canon death. Luke Skywalker is such an epic, mythic figure that to kill him off would almost be...sacrilegious.

And as Yoda told him, "not ready for the burden" was he.

But the galaxy was in luck, because he sure got ready