Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tales of Tenric's Training: Part IV

Part IV

A million things raced through Tenric’s head as he made for the clearing and the fishing log. What was the surprise? How would the lesson start? What would it be like? Would he do well? Would today be the day he remembered to keep his guard up after the low-end combination? His mind filled with such questions Tenric was unaware of the other’s presence until it was too late. Rounding a bend in the path he all but collided with his friend Dale.

“Hey! What the Hutt?” Dale blurted in surprise as Tenric almost ran him down. In order to avoid a collision both boys had jumped to one side and now stood on opposite sides of the path facing each other.

“Dale! Oh, man I’m sorry. I didn’t sen...hear you coming.”

“Where you off to in such a hurry? I was gonna stop by and see if your Gam’Ma was making those mornin’ cakes we like so much.”

“Uh, yeah, actually she did this morning.” Dale answered at a loss as to how to get out of what was coming. “If you hurry you can catch her before she clears everything up. She knows you love those cakes and will probably save a couple for you.”

“You think!” Dale responded excitedly. Then, eyeing Tenric suspiciously, he added; “You’re up to somethin’ Tenric, I can smell it.”

Tenric knew he’d have to give Dale a good answer for why he was racing through the forest this early in the morning. Though a few years older, Dale was his comrade-in-arms, which meant they usually got into trouble together. Reaching out with the Force Tenric added a slight nudge behind his reply, hoping it would be enough to get Dale to accept his answer and not push it. He knew if Dale wasn’t satisfied not even the Force could keep him from finding out what was going on.

“My uncle is waiting for me by the pond. He’s going to teach me how to make my own pole and line and then help me catch dinner. He says there is a huge Lurker-Fish in there waiting to be caught.” Tenric felt bad about lying to his friend and using the Force like this, but his Jedi training was a strict secret and had to remain so.

“Sounds like fun.” Dale responded in a non-committal tone; “Maybe I can join you…after I say good morning to your Gam’Ma.” He finished, obviously thinking more of the mornin’ cakes than the prospect of fishing. He wasn’t quite patient enough to enjoy it much.

“I’ll tell you all about it later.” Tenric called out as he started off again. Dale had bought the fishing reply and wouldn’t go near the pond ‘til at least lunchtime. That way he would hope to avoid all that waiting and teaching stuff and just get in on the catching.

“Sure thing!” Dale called out after Tenric. He turned and started off toward Tenric’s place hoping there were indeed a few ‘cakes left for him. Fishing was boring and he didn’t see the fun in learning how to make your own pole. Tenric seemed awfully excited about it too. For a moment Dale grew suspicious again, but the lingering Force-suggestion was just strong enough to make him decide to ask Tenric later…after all he was hungry and Gam’Ma would be clearing up real soon. His mind made up Dale trotted off thinking of butter and syrup and how to get the right combination of each…

…The close call with Dale made Tenric focus more on his surroundings. The last thing he needed was Dale snooping around while he was training. His Master had been quite forceful in asserting that if his training was discovered it would stop right then and there…forever. There was an edge in his Master’s voice when he spoke of the future. Something he saw or sensed filled him with foreboding and made him secretive about everything. Tenric couldn’t see far ahead yet, or far behind for that matter. He had learned to interpret the Force currents enough to anticipate things a few hours both ways, and sometimes as much as a day. He knew it would be a long time before he could cast his gaze as far abroad as his Master did.

Realizing his thoughts were drifting off again Tenric stopped and used the centering exercise he had learned from his meditation lessons. He was almost immediately struck with the impression of his Master’s impatience. He was close to the pond now and could sense his Master up ahead. He paused long enough to be sure his Master wasn’t angry then continued to the clearing. As he drew nearer the questions began once more running through his mind. Proximity had lent them enough imminence to intrude upon his calm once more.

“So kind of you to join me, Padawan.” His Master purred with a slight bow.

“I ran into Dale on the way and was delayed.” Tenric offered.

“Yes. I know.” Came the unconcerned reply.

“I had to nudge him a little so he wouldn’t follow me.” Tenric confessed.

“I trust you were discreet. Do not worry.” Again not sounding worried.

“Yes Master, Very. He chose to avoid the drudgery of learning to make a fishing pole and decided my Gam’Ma’s mornin’ cakes were the better choice.” Tenric explained.

“On most mornings I would agree with him.” His Master smiled, “but not this morning.” He leaned over behind the log to pick something up. Then he turned and handed Tenric a rough but serviceable looking fishing pole and line. “We’ll catch dinner later.” Then, when Tenric looked shocked, he offered; “I had some free time while I waited for you.”

“But how did you….” Tenric stammered, then thought better of it and finished, “never mind, I don’t need to know.”

“A wise Jedi it is who knows when a line of inquiry leads to an unneeded answer.” His Master teased.

Tenric just made a face in reply. He was eager to begin today’s lesson, but his Master seemed different today. He couldn’t quite place it, but….

“Today shall mark your rising to a new level in your training.” His Master interrupted his thoughts. “You have learned the rough use of the Force, as well as some of the finer points of control. You have mastered the basic exercises and disciplines needed in order to build upon. You have gained the vision necessary to pursue the deeper things of the Force and you have learned to use the Force to anticipate events.” Here he paused and reached into his tunic, leaving his hand there. “Before now we have sparred and drilled using branches and tool handles. I have taught you basic stances, attacks, defenses, and combinations.”

Here Tenric winced a little as he recalled his usual failure to recover quickly enough after the low-end combinations. His Master paused, casting a judging gaze upon him. Then he withdrew his hand from his tunic. In it was a long cylindrical tube with a few grips and buttons on it. Tenric’s heart leapt at the sight of it for it was not his Master’s Light saber. He held his breath and watched in wide-eyed awe as his Master approached him and offered him the hilt with a solemn gesture.

“From now on, my Padawan you shall learn in earnest.” He said as he retreated a few paces. “Let your awareness flow into the hilt and then find its place in the currents around you.” Came the instruction.

Tenric took a few moments to calm himself before reaching downward into the hilt with the Force. When he did so he sensed a unity and oneness in the hilt that was surprising. He had much difficulty telling one component from another and only the power cell and focusing crystal stood out much at all. His Master had told him tales of how Jedi Knights created their sabers, and how they used the Force to activate and enable the separate components to function in ways that would otherwise be impossible. Until now he had thought them just bedtime stories.

“You now know why the Jedi and his light saber are so closely tied.” His Master intoned. “Follow the Force through the hilt and you will sense the echoes of the one who constructed it.”

It took Tenric a moment or two to realize he was actually expected to do it. He focused on finding himself in the currents around him and then on finding the hilt in his hands. As he looked outward and saw the ripples made by the hilt a face took shape before him. It was an older face. It wore a beard and long hair gone partly grey. There was a prominent nose and a twinkle in the eyes. Tenric realized he was looking at the face of the Jedi who had made this hilt…. The face of his Master’s Teacher!

“My Padawan, I gladly give to you the training saber my Master constructed in order to teach me. It is a practice saber and will not do more than singe your clothing and hair a bit…and sting mightily. It is a real blade though and fighting with it will feel no different than with your own one day.”

Tenric took a deep breath and thumbed the activation plate. Immediately a rich blue blade emerged and there was a satisfying ‘snap-hiss’ followed by a thrumming hum as the hilt began to vibrate and shake in his hands. He could feel the immense energy surging through the hilt and was surprised to feel no weight from the blade. He realized it would take a lot of concentration to wield the blade and swung it a few times to test its balance. Deactivated the hilt had definitely been pommel heavy. The vibrating effect, however, seemed to lend the hilt a slight forward balance, as if the tip of the hilt were slightly heavier than the pommel.
With an ear splitting smile Tenric took a ready stance, cocked his head slightly to the side, and said; “Come and teach me, my Master.”


Anonymous said...

:) Neat! So exciting, getting your own training 'saber!